Uriah Harry Harvey (Eric's grandfather)

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Son of Henry Thomas Harvey (1844 to 1928)

Born Plymouth 21 June 1873

Joined the Royal Navy as "Sick Bay Steward".

Married Annie Warring

Died 24 September 1906 (I understand at sea) of a stroke, while travelling on HMS Crescent from Devonport to Simonstown.

Buried in Simonstown, South Africa

Three children:
Hilda Gladys Harvey (1901 - 1956)
Amy Marion Foxley (1903 - 2000, my mother)
Frank Gordon Harvey (1905 - 1999, retired as RN Lieutenant Commander)

Early photos taken in Plymouth and Shanghai


Photographs of his grave in Simonstown, South Africa

His naval record, most "HMSs" are shore based hospitals.

Some of his letters to his daughters

Click on any image for a larger version.

His medicine chest is now at the Royal Navy museum at Portsmouth.

A full collection of related images is here.

This copy edited 10-Feb-2022

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